Sunday, November 17, 2013

You're here!

You're out in the world. Your dad and I have been starting to get the hang of taking care of you.  We are pretty sure you are the cutest baby ever. We have moments (sometimes at 2 am) where we just stare at you thinking, "You're so cute!" 

You have been getting the hang of your basic functions: eat, sleep, poop and snuggle.You have no schedule. You eat and sleep very randomly and seem to have surprisingly long periods of being awake. When you are awake you seem incredibly alert for a newborn. I haven't been around many but I was under the impression that they are much sleepier. Of course you do your fair share of sleeping as well. 

Got distracted from this post and now I'm back 4 hours later. And have no time to write anything else. 

Your Mom

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hi baby,

We're still waiting for you. I'm almost 42 weeks pregnant and doing well. I've been able to stay pretty positive. The hardest time for me was actually when I thought we were going to induce at or right before 41 weeks. I was just so nervous about that decision. Luckily our doctor thought it was safe to wait a little longer for you. And I'm glad because (without getting into details) my body seems to be more ready this week than it was last week. So, even if labor doesn't start on its own, I'm guessing things will go more smoothly.

I wanted to tell you how amazing your dad is. His excitement has been a really helpful counterpoint to any nervousness I have lately. I am so excited to meet you too, but I sometimes get bogged down in practicalities. Your dad has described waiting for you as being like Christmas Eve and told me that he thinks his heart will explode when he gets to hold you. Writing those things just made me cry - granted I cry pretty easily right now, but it's been incredible seeing how excited he is to meet you.

Your Mom