Sunday, September 16, 2012


I've been reading some incredibly silly romance. They are the book equivalent of cotton candy - enjoyable, fluffy, but you wouldn't want to read too many in a row. (Couldn't quite get that metaphor to work - also lots of people are anti-cotton candy which is just crazy - oh! but also goes along with the romance novel thing.)

I just finished Every Day by Dan Levithan. It was a teen book about a person who wakes up in a different body every day and how the person fell in love with a girl. It was not a very satisfying book but it really couldn't be without somehow "solving" the problem of the body changing thing. I liked it tho, and read through it very quickly.

I should be getting some interesting non-fiction in soon - How Music Works which is kind of a scientific look at music and The Signal and the Noise which is about statistics and predictions - something that interests me. I don't always read books about it tho because I end up hearing the same things over and over. This one is by Nate Silver who was very popular during the last election with his complex predictions.

I'm at 77 books this year. Or maybe a little more by now.

Also, going to try this amazon widget thing for books I mention and see how that goes.


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