Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Coming Soon

Hi baby,

My due date is about a week away now. I was doing so good at just thinking, "end of October" rather than a specific date but it's much harder as it gets closer. I have had a few moments of "I am going to be pregnant forever", but for the most part I'm still managing to stay reasonably peaceful and accepting of what may come.

So we are about as ready as we can be for you. You really like kicking and moving in there. I love hearing your heartbeat every week now. I still have a hard time believing that there is going to be another person in our house, in our life. I am so very much looking forward to seeing what you are like.

If I'm anxious about anything it is my mood after you are born. I don't do so well with hormones sometimes and I know that that combined with lack of sleep is going to be rough. Your dad has pointed out how much everyone likes to tell parents-to-be how hard it all is. How we won't get any sleep, and you'll probably have colic, and there will be poop everywhere. Your dad and I are pretty practical people however. So, while I'm sure we can't imagine the exact amounts of sleeplessness, crying and poop, I don't think we will exactly be surprised by most of those things. What people should tell us is all of the amazing moments that I know we will have. I have a good feeling that despite all of the tough stuff, getting to hold you will make it worth it.

Oh yea, and so far (not to jinx it, I hope) my belly button did not pop out. Thank goodness.

Your Mom


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