Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Let's see if I can remember everything I've read in the last few days.

No, I did not read the one with the movie cover. This was a very desolate, sad book. I read it in just a few hours. It is missing a lot of exposition about the story - how the characters came to be where they are. The reader has to fill in the blanks a lot. It will be interesting to see what the movie is like.

This one was pretty cool. It was obviously riffing off of Harry Potter and Narnia and maybe even Oz to an extent but the main character is a unfulfilled young adult who has the same problems any other sullen young adult might have despite the fact that he is a magician. Generally pretty dreary but fun to read something that's magical without being sparkly.

Technically the next two are for my children's class. Fractured fairy tales this week.

I liked both of these, the Fairest is a retelling of the Snow White story. Ella Enchanted is Cinderella. I liked Ella's character much better. The Fairest protagonist was only concerned with being pretty and the story kind of snuck in a moral about not being concerned with pretty but... it was too little, too late after she obsessed about it the whole story. I love that they are both characters with more than one dimension. It really added a lot to the fairy tale idea.

I think I'm missing something but I'm not sure what... This is why I'm writing these things down now.

1 Comment:

  1. Unknown said...
    The Road was so depressing when I read it. I still have a hard time believing though that soceity would fall apart that completely. The book does hint at the possibility of communes and such where peaceful people work together. The whole thing feels like such a small glimpse of huge and interesting world. McCarthy definetly deserves credit for providing seeds for readers imagination to build off of.

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