Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Begin Again

Should I see if I enjoy writing again? I go through journaling/writing spurts in my life it seems. How odd that I wrote frequently on a blog from 17 to about 19. How sad that it has since disappeared. I would have liked to check myself out. It wasn't that long ago in a lot of ways but in other ways it was forever. I graduated high school, started college. Moved to a different city (one of only 2 such moves in my lifetime) and met my husband. No wonder I wrote frequently - life was busy.

So from a professional standpoint, I would like this to be a bit of a reading journal so that I can actually remember something I've read now and then. Last year I read something like 113 books. This year I'm on track to read fewer than that - I'm at about 45 right now I think. I keep a reading spreadsheet (combining my love of reading and spreadsheets!) so I know what I've read and a 1-5 rating but not much else.

I recently read a fantasy trilogy recommended by a coworker. Poison Study, Magic Study and Fire Study by Maria Snyder. The first one really drew me in - interesting character, realistic but not boring world, good plot. The second one held my attention. It had a new country in the interesting world and the plot was ok. Third one I struggled through. Too much recap of the first two - who each character is, any interaction with them in the past - it all had to be rehashed. Overall, they ended up being a wash. Considering the first one was so fun that was pretty sad.

From a personal standpoint... not sure where to go with this. Last couple months have been a little bumpy. I finished my graduate degree. My grandma died. We went to Alaska. My parents lost their house in a major flood. We're looking to buy a house. And I'm trying for a full time job where I currently work. I just can't quite get my footing.


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