Thursday, October 29, 2009

sick day

Well, I'm sick today and called in to work so I'm hiding in bed with a laptop and books. Here's some of what I've read recently.

I know Nick Hornby is "lad lit" or whatever you want to call it but I tend to really enjoy his writing and his books. Granted, they may not be literary masterpieces but you don't really want to read a literary masterpiece every single day. He's very talented at making people and relationships feel real. I don't know if its because of his own new experience with kids but the 6 year old in the book felt authentic as well - somewhat annoying and crazy but you like him anyway.

Another fun book to read. Explores the idea of all the different cultures bringing their gods to a new place and how the gods survive.... but it's funnier than that sounds. For a thick book it kept me entertained the entire time.

I have to admit that my knowledge of history is very lacking sometimes. I know that there is some animosity between Japan and Korea and I had a vague idea that Japan had controlled Korea at some point but I had no idea of the specifics. Its interesting what you can learn from childrens' historical fiction. The narration was split between Sun-Hee and her older brother Tae-Yul. It covered the last few years of WWII before Japan surrendered.

1 Comment:

  1. Unknown said...
    I should pick up a Nick Hornby book sometime. I listened to an interview with him one on Fresh Air, he seemed like a pretty interesting guy. It sounds like he's pretty interested in music.

    Despite what you say that Neil Gaiman book doesn't look at all funny, just saying.

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